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weazel news fivem mlo

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Authenticity: Weazel News MLOs provide a highly detailed and accurate representation of the building. Immersing players in the familiar world of GTA V news.

Roleplay opportunities: These MLOs can be used for various roleplay scenarios, such as playing as news anchors, reporters, camera operators, or even staging satirical newscasts.

Content creation: They offer a fantastic backdrop for creating videos, screenshots, or even live streams related to news or media-themed roleplay.

Location v3(-606.0051, -929.0862, 23.8627, 267.3375)

Weazel news fivem mlo these custom map objects allow you to recreate the iconic. Weazel News headquarters from Grand Theft Auto V within your FiveM server, opening up exciting roleplay and content creation possibilities.

What are Weazel News MLOs:

  • MLO stands for Map Load Object, referring to custom buildings, interiors, or props added to the FiveM map.
  • Weazel News MLOs specifically replicate the various areas of the Weazel News building. Including the newsroom, lobby, studio, and even the helipad on the roof.

What makes them unique:

  • Authenticity: Weazel News MLOs provide a highly detailed and accurate representation of the building. Immersing players in the familiar world of GTA V news.
  • Roleplay opportunities: These MLOs can be used for various roleplay scenarios, such as playing as news anchors, reporters, camera operators, or even staging satirical newscasts.
  • Content creation: They offer a fantastic backdrop for creating videos, screenshots, or even live streams related to news or media-themed roleplay.

Location v3(-606.0051, -929.0862, 23.8627, 267.3375) 

Preview video of weazel news fivem mlo

Need help?

I sincerely hope that this guide has clarified any issues you may have had about but if any of the steps weren’t  apparent to you can find a more thorough explanation of each one by using the bottom menu on this page (or the bottom of the contact if you’re on it).If you want any good scripts for this Mlo, then you can visit this Fivem Script Store

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